2009-06-29, 19:23:11
People don't think of hb as fun mode, they think of it as fast mode. People like it because "you get gunz faster" (An actual qote from a fellow clansman). They often overlook the fact that creeps have the same power as in normal but give twice the gold, one of the biggest problems with high bounty mode. If creeps gave the same amount of gold as in normal, it would pretty much make HB a mode where you get more from tank kills, benefiting better players. If you make creeps in HB twice as strong, it would pretty much be an accelerated normal mode. I prefer the second option as people do like the faster gameplay a lot more than normal.
HB pretty much took over Battle Tanks and as long as HB isn't balanced, the whole game isn't balanced
HB pretty much took over Battle Tanks and as long as HB isn't balanced, the whole game isn't balanced
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.