2011-04-25, 12:07:45
@KBAKEP: Did you ever think about the effects of getting and losing elo?
Every player should reach a point where - in average - he will win 50% and lose 50% of the games, because your elo will change every game. Losing one game will result in less elo which will increase the probability of a win in the next game and vice versa.
BUT this can't 100% work when player with for example 1650 elo create a new account and play with 1500 elo again. Then the balance can't fully do it's work.
Every player should reach a point where - in average - he will win 50% and lose 50% of the games, because your elo will change every game. Losing one game will result in less elo which will increase the probability of a win in the next game and vice versa.
BUT this can't 100% work when player with for example 1650 elo create a new account and play with 1500 elo again. Then the balance can't fully do it's work.