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Demon Tank Stun Over Powered?
I have the same oppinion.

In the late midgame nearly everybody who is good buys demon tank. In pro games you often have 9-10 demon tanks.
They all play similar, short ranged weapons and stun or teleport to beat the enemy.
Of course skillfull playing is still important, but its not that funny to see everybody play the same strategie.

Some suggestions:

Nerfe the short range weapons a bit. The formula to calculate the damage should maybe a bit different or have a extra parameter for them, so they cost more. This would be nice, so you will see some more other strategies.
Another think i saw Antigravs with 2-3 hulls more than 10 K Hitpoints and short ranged weapons. They could even beat better playing guys, because of similar strat. Short range weapons, Ulitmate and EMP stun (2 stun) and the fly abiltiy(instead of tele)
Short range becomes to strong in late games

Maybe the stun of the demon is a bit strong, i dont know if the demon would be still to strong (everybody buys) if the short range weapons are nerfed. The skytank is too weak in comparison with a deamon.
If you dont change the weapons (too much work for the mappers?), than pls nerf the demon a bit, only a bit not that much.

In Dota the teleport in form of dagger is not that powerfull like the tele in Btanks (i know you cant compare 1:1) so maybe the teleport must be nerfed. But not everbody buys tele. Stun and speed can do the same job. So first nerve the other thinks.

Pls think about this really everybody plays demon tank with short range.
Captain-Iglu wo bist du^^

Messages In This Thread
Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Damanos - 2008-06-10, 12:18:35
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by DerSatan - 2008-06-10, 13:02:51
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by TKF - 2008-06-10, 13:28:09
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Carcharoth2 - 2008-06-10, 15:49:50
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Vomitus - 2008-06-10, 20:43:20
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by RedNova - 2008-06-11, 00:24:05
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Exodus - 2008-06-11, 00:49:28
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Althend - 2008-06-11, 00:53:35
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by fido1 - 2008-06-11, 05:30:47
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Prog - 2008-06-11, 18:05:55
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Vomitus - 2008-06-12, 01:12:05
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by horselance - 2008-06-12, 14:10:16
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Vomitus - 2008-06-13, 20:59:28
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Zirze - 2008-06-29, 11:31:15
Re: Demon Tank Stun Over Powered? - by Frechheit - 2008-06-29, 13:55:09

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