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Combine HB with Conquest mode
The biggest problem that high bounty has is that it is near impossible to successfully siege the enemies' base. Destroying their factories only hurts the players on the offensive as it restricts their gold flow. All you need to do is camp in your base and accumulate enough gold and tech to get titans and then you eventually push. This often leads to titan wars, where everyone is incredibly strong and battles are decided by whoever manages to use their ultimate later than the other. As a result, late game has become very boring with the lack of variety and constant stalemates leading to 2+ hour games.

A good solution for this is to combine conquest mode along with high bounty. The enemy will be forced to move out of their base and try to recapture cp's to avoid loss. If the attacking team has a big enough advantage, which in HB usually relies on the skill level of the other team, they can attempt to destroy the opposing base normally.

However,this does bring up the issue of CP camping. All the winning team needs to do is to protect the cp's to win. I think this is less problematic than the current issue of base-camping, where teams who were meant to lose can easily make a comeback and win. If the defending team is really skilled enough, they can go against these disadvantages and break out.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
you can already do this. hb and -cv are not mutually exclusive.
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The problem is that HB has become so widespread that it is impossible to get everybody to use both modes and we will still have lots of never-ending games. There are many other ways to try and balance HB and this is only another option.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
Quote:The problem is that HB has become so widespread that it is impossible to get everybody to use both modes

why would we want everybody to use -cv mode?

-hb is just meant for stuffing around. There is no reason why -cv should be forced on everybody
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It seems that you've never played on USEast. Over here, all we ever play is high bounty and you might find one normal game out of 50 HB games. That means that almost every game is full of base-camping and unfair victories. We aren't just "stuffing" high bounty around(Whatever that means), because HB has pretty much become synonymous with battle tanks itself. We just can't go around asking people to not play hb because of how widespread it's become. The only thing we can do it to balance HB itself, and this is one of many possible options.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
Lezowski Wrote:The only thing we can do it to balance HB itself, and this is one of many possible options.
1. its antagonism because its the only thing we can do, but is only one of many options Tongue lawl

2. hb isnt ment to be balanced so the only option is to delete hb...

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
what about rising the bounty in HB further? lets say HB doesnt give 2 times the gold, but 3 or 4 times. it would be faster etc., and people would maybe realise that its a funmode.
I have 5 times bounty in my insane mod, and ppl are totally addicted to it. I don't know why they are crazy about it... -.-
How about we actually work to balancing hb mode because its the most popular? rather than just saying 'delete hb mdoe because its imbalanced'

Ive taken the first step with my thread about the biggest flaws of hb (actual game play, not theory crap) -

A lot of people are just stating the situation such as 'not serious mode', 'imbalanced' and similar despite the fact its the most popular mode. Partly because people can gain unfair advantages, but thats not the reason its so popular; people like a faster paced bt game. Its not as 'serious' as games like dota that require a lot of concentration to play well. BT just isnt that kind of game.

Also (just now) tkf's psycho mod sounds like hes done it right - insane amount of gold for insane gameplay! You know, having higher bounty does not equate to imbalance, rather, its harder to balance but not impossible.

Anyways im off to play tkf's modTongue
SCorpA1 Wrote:
Lezowski Wrote:The only thing we can do it to balance HB itself, and this is one of many possible options.
1. its antagonism because its the only thing we can do, but is only one of many options Tongue lawl

2. hb isnt ment to be balanced so the only option is to delete hb...

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I meant that adding conquest mode to HB is a possible way to balance it, which needs to be balanced because it is the most popular mode. This thread wasn't the official HB balancing thread, it was about adding conquest mode to HB.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
Lezowski Wrote:It seems that you've never played on USEast. Over here, all we ever play is high bounty and you might find one normal game out of 50 HB games. That means that almost every game is full of base-camping and unfair victories. We aren't just "stuffing" high bounty around(Whatever that means), because HB has pretty much become synonymous with battle tanks itself. We just can't go around asking people to not play hb because of how widespread it's become. The only thing we can do it to balance HB itself, and this is one of many possible options.

Nothing is stopping you from hosting your own hb -cv games, or only joining hb -cv games.

and Hb doesn't need to be balanced. If it were, it wouldn't be as much fun, and then we'd have to invent some other crazy mode - a wtf equivalent perhaps with 0cd?
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
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GooglyBoogly Wrote:Nothing is stopping you from hosting your own hb -cv games, or only joining hb -cv games.
his admin could stop him Big GrinBig Grin
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
People don't think of hb as fun mode, they think of it as fast mode. People like it because "you get gunz faster" (An actual qote from a fellow clansman). They often overlook the fact that creeps have the same power as in normal but give twice the gold, one of the biggest problems with high bounty mode. If creeps gave the same amount of gold as in normal, it would pretty much make HB a mode where you get more from tank kills, benefiting better players. If you make creeps in HB twice as strong, it would pretty much be an accelerated normal mode. I prefer the second option as people do like the faster gameplay a lot more than normal.

HB pretty much took over Battle Tanks and as long as HB isn't balanced, the whole game isn't balanced
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
Quote:People don't think of hb as fun mode, they think of it as fast mode
I agree. Too bad there are other accelerated mode options that have better balance.

Quote:They often overlook the fact that creeps have the same power as in normal but give twice the gold, one of the biggest problems with high bounty mode
that is almost the whole point of hb. Hb gives 2x creep gold. 2x tower bounty. 2x hero bounty (and 2x trader goods).
Saying you have a problem with these things is attacking the definition of the mode. It wouldn't be hb if everything didn't have a higher bounty.

Quote:HB pretty much took over Battle Tanks and as long as HB isn't balanced, the whole game isn't balanced
That is like saying that if -wtf mode isn't balanced dota isn't balanced.
There is no reason why a silly mode must be balanced.

Yes I agree there is a demand for a balanced fast mode, but -hb isn't it, and should never be it.
If you want to go suggest the creation of another 'fast mode' that is balanced, go right ahead - but leave -hb alone! :cry: :wink:
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
Pointless arguing but i must say, wtf mode isnt the most played mode of dota. Quite the opposite.

If however, wtf mode WAS the most popular mode for some reason or other, then it should definitely be balanced.

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