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League changes with 8.73
(2011-04-19, 14:35:54)warrior_cobra Wrote: Otherwise I like everything about ranked and Btanks 873.cSmile except one thing the leaser tower that cost 2k it shouldn't be temporary unlike barricade or canon tower or bacon.

The Laser Tower is already permanent, just like before. He will stay, until he gets destroyed by the enemy team.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Fewer and fewer good players are playing league, while they play qualify for relaxing. something must change.
BTW, team player was not awarded in this formula. Player who assist the most should get bonus point.
(2011-04-19, 09:50:32)stibi- Wrote: i agree that something had to happen but i dont like the fact that you get all the points back for playing 1 time (your penalty does not get reduced by not leaving/getting kicked for 1 game).
my suggestion - let the top player lose 2 points for each additional day after 1 week & they gain 2 points each day if they start to be active again

ofc it's not funny to play with a high ranked acc - just take a look at at althend's ban request replays ^^

Excuse me I’m not sure if I post this in the right forum but.... when i stun someone and my team kill him why I don’t get an assist on kill ? i noticed I only get assist on kill if I hit with my weapons but i think spells should be included because when I stun and my teammate kill it’s a team work and he wouldn’t have get the kill without my stun. I think it is better or must to get an assist on kill if I hit with spells same as the weapons in my opinion. Thanks again and sorry if i posted this in the wrong forumSmile
Quote:when i stun someone and my team kill him why I don’t get an assist on kill ?
did u stay in the 1500 range? i guess u normally should get the assist.

i also dont think its that fair, to decrease the Points of players, just cause they arent that activ. There can be many reasons for(!)... and why deacrease it?
Points are showing your elo(skill?!..) and if u/or not got penaltys. So why also raise it down, just cause u arent playing... the rank "should" show your truely degree in this League Ladder, or not?

Its not possible to do it perfect for everyone anyway, at all u guys doing a good job, so thx for that.

PS: my last 2 games, win +3.47 loose -11.29 P.
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
(2011-04-20, 07:21:46)LIoOoOoIL Wrote: i also dont think its that fair, to decrease the Points of players, just cause they arent that activ. There can be many reasons for(!)... and why deacrease it?
Points are showing your elo(skill?!..) and if u/or not got penaltys. So why also raise it down, just cause u arent playing... the rank "should" show your truely degree in this League Ladder, or not?

Its not possible to do it perfect for everyone anyway, at all u guys doing a good job, so thx for that.

PS: my last 2 games, win +3.47 loose -11.29 P.

Your skill is measured by elo, your rank by points and your points by ELO+penalty+activity. elo will only touched by playing.

top elo players are far above the average player so the can't gain much but elo is a relativ system anyway, such a player would be at top with 1 point or 100000 points per game or total doesn't matter, its a relativ system.

Oh and a side note, second/third/whatever account decreases the mean value of those who stuck to their account. If all would stuck to thair account mean would be 1500 since it's almost a zero sum, what someone wins anotherone loses. A new account of someone already above all others robs them and lowers the mean.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Guys, maybe just cr8 another bot available for players for example with 1560 points. I think there aren't players with this score who are selfish etc. cr8ing new bot isn't much of a work, is it? it would solve a lot of problems.
We had a 1505+ bot once, but noone used it. I'd always vote for another try of a higher skill bot, just depends on velocity if he is up for a second attempt.
so maybe restrict norm bot from joining player with score above some lvl. for example if somebody has minimum 1505 points he can't join normal bot. or make some more lvl to prevent from situation that worse players can't learn from better.
1480-1550 - can play on both bots. abovce 1550 points only on "pro" bot.
u could think better about the numbers but i think idea is good.
I do like the idea in principle. It might bring problems if the amount of players is not sufficient to create games. Noone wants to wait 30+ minutes for a game and there might be just like ~250 players with 1550+ elo (I don't know how many there really are). Sometimes finding a game would be completely impossible.

It's certainly not easy to find a good elo-value to restrict playing to a high-elo bot. Nevertheless checking the actual data (how many players with x+ elo) might help finding solutions.
@ prog & progg:
i've suggested basically the same thing here

take the MASS amount of player with a good elo out of the qualify games --> they are forced to join another game (ranked/"pro") --> games fill faster
or maybe it would be better to focus on lower skll players than on higher ones.
Let's say, everybody who has 1480+ can play on normal bot. The rest has to play on newbie bot.
(2011-05-03, 09:17:30)stibi- Wrote: @ prog & progg:
i've suggested basically the same thing here

take the MASS amount of player with a good elo out of the qualify games --> they are forced to join another game (ranked/"pro") --> games fill faster

Accounts with a certain amount of played games shouldn't be allowed to play qualify games - They're already qualified and I see too many newbies who gets kicked by the "better" players, it's so sadSad
I personally do not care about newbies in qualify games, they can feed as much as they want to(unless they're doing it on purpose, which I have seen before), it's not like they do it on purpuse.

Players with 400 games+ shouldn't be allowed to play qualify, 400 games or less should AT LEAST be enough to be "good" and qualified.

Otherwise to play on the qualify just make a new account or join the BuG bot.

New players have to learn and if they get owned hard by "better players" or kicked early on then they will not play btanks anymore. Therefore: Accounts with a certain amount of played games shouldn't be allowed to play qualify games
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
exactly my point my sexy male asian friendSmile
What the heck is going on with league?
more and more leavers and ultra farms like 0-10 2-15 etc. more and more sync errors.
only 1/10 my last games was without leaver. 3 games was 3v4. one game was 5v3 but 1 guy in my team was tinker in late game, only building facts and uping armor.
every week it's harder to find a good game.
guys u gotta do sth with it. it can't be like that.
lot of ppl doesn't write here, but they write in game and they say that if it looks like that in future they'll just stop playing league.
i'm thinking about this also.

there was some good ideas here.
don't let noob k/d ratio players play ranked. like 1/1.5 or 1/1.7.
Don't let guys with elo lower than 1450 -1460 play ranked.
They are usually not more than 20% of team, but this 20% can fuck up 80% of game. (pareto rule)

Other idea is to change it while daytime.
For example after 8pm GMT allow only >1470 players. or better than 1/1.5 k/d ratio players.
And for fuck sake ! - ban tinker. it ruins so many games.

Do whatever u want, but do sth guys!
i would do drinking tea and change nothing ^^ its very rare to have a "fair-balanced-non leaving-game" but its also boring to wait in the night to get a game startet if u change somthing with k/d ratio or elo or leaverrate, u can only play league games between 14:00-23:00 or so if u are only playing for points and not for fun u can write to the top 100 player and joing a new ranked game together.

for me its fun and most "newbs" try to play in team if u write with them, not as the "good" top player who are mostly selfish...

better a game with leavers and feeders on both sides where u have much kills deaths and fun then a pro game where u are only creeping for the first 30 min....
as i wrote before - it would be enought just to make playing ranked games impossible for 20% of players. It wouldn't change the frequency of starting games a lot.
For me it's much better to wait even 20 minutes longer and play 1 good game then play 3 games after wich i'm rly pissed of.
I'm new the the Before i played on pvpgn server - with some other nice ppl like Plyvak, Alexnadro1, Abdul02, bitlanul, daminator3 and some others you can't know. It wasn't rare to w8 even 1hour for a priv, instead of playing pub. But here there's so many acceptable skill players that it just won't happen.
Little change in ranked bot qualification lvl can make a big difference in the league.

All players that join gets ranked.

Qulify games can ONLY be joined by players with "lets say" max. 1550 ELO.
They CANT lose points, if they lose (in Q.) they get 0 points / if they win they get points.
That way qulify bot is for the rookies and not the good players, and pros CANT (since they have +1550 ELO) join to pwn the new players.

Ranked bot then needs +1550 points to join.
If u drop below the +1550 point u need to play qulify to gain new points to join "pro" bot again.

This is just and exp. and the point might have to do some calculation ect.

But in general I think this will solve the prob.
has been suggested many times but the qualify bot does not track any stats
Quote:has been suggested many times but the qualify bot does not track any stats

Just change that ^^ Easy!
Why dont u get an assist when player hits 1 of your MINES, and another takes him out?????????

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