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New items/weapons
Well I have been working on a list of new items that may help make battletanks abit more diverse and interesting. I tried to keep them as balanced as possible as well as compliment few builds. In particular battletanks is lacking late/superlate weapons. I had some really cool animations of them, unfortunately I cant find them so I have to just paste a fricken photo of a warcraft sprite using them. Well they are open for debate and/or modification so I hope some ideas get passed through. The maths is slightly crude in the rounding off department, more to add visual effect then anything else (eg 23333 looks better than 23335).

Long Range

[Image: xol7w8.jpg]
Rail Gun
Costs: 30,000
Damage: 2780
Cooldown: 1.8
Range: 1300
Damage Per Second: 1545
Upgrade Costs: 9000
Bonus - damage: 835
(I know some people will complain about a 30k lr weapon, so the next one is dulled down quite abit)

[Image: rby8b4.jpg]
Psi Beam
Costs: 24,000
Damage: 920 (x2)
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 1300
Damage Per Second: 1236
Upgrade Costs: 12000
Bonus - projectile: x1


888 Range

[Image: 2e4lzdt.jpg]
Stardust Cannon
Costs: 28888
Damage: 1955
Cooldown: 0.9
Range: 888
Damage Per Second: 2172
Upgrade Costs: 8888
Bonus - Cooldown: 0.2

[Image: 35jmhcw.jpg]
Radiation Spray
Costs: 15000
Damage: 55 (x2)
Cooldown: 0.1
Range: 888
Damage Per Second: 1125
Upgrade Costs: 7500
Bonus - Projectile: x1
Second Upgrade Costs 7500
Bonus - Projectile: x1
* Does not attack buildings


777 Range

[Image: 30dbddx.jpg]
Lightning Rod
Costs: 23333
Damage: 999
Cooldown: 0.5
Range: 777
Damage Per Second: 1998
Upgrade Costs: 11666
Bonus - Damage: 444

[Image: 2n6xfv6.jpg]
Bio Spitter
Costs: 14444
Damage: 1235
Cooldown: 1
Range: 777
Damage Per Second: 1235
Upgrade Costs: 6200
Bonus - Cooldown: 0.3


750 Range

[Image: 35mmt6d.jpg]
Hydro Cannon
Costs: 27500
Damage: 3700
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 750
Damage Per Second: 2446
Upgrade Costs: 10000
Bonus - Cooldown: 0.4


550 Range

[Image: 1iyalj.jpg]
Gatling Gun
Costs: 23000
Damage: 555
Cooldown: 0.2
Range: 550
Damage Per Second: 2772
Upgrade Costs: 11500
Bonus - Cooldown: 0.1


Other Items

[Image: 1zxv6z9.jpg]
Conversion System (Offensive)
- Blueprint Costs $1000
- Requires Mass Converter, Deflection Armor Upgrade
+3% HP gained per kill
+3% MP gained per kill
Blocks 60 damage with no cooldown
System Meltown (passive): shoots a 75 pure damage bolt of energy per weapon upgrade level towards any enemy tank casting a spell or using an item within 1500 range (includes teleporting, planting wards, power pack, summons, camoflage etc). The spell does not trigger against Soul tank's ghost restore spell.

[Image: 280mp0i.jpg]
Conversion System (Defensive)
- Blueprint Costs $1000
- Requires Mass Converter, Burst Armor Upgrade
+ 1.5% HP gained per second
+ 4 MP gained per second
+ 0.2% Spell resistance per Armor Upgrade level (starting at 5%)
Blocks any damage within 0.2 seconds with a 5 second cooldown
nice ideas gj for the effortSmile
Yo Teo. Thnx for the effort.

1) I think your ideas for system converter are rather OP instead of balance. I consider these items as must items for now. Ofc we need to test it first.
(2012-06-25, 18:03:43)Teo_live Wrote: Radiation Spray
Costs: 15000
Damage: 55 (x2)
Cooldown: 0.1
Range: 888
Damage Per Second: 1125
Upgrade Costs: 7500
Bonus - Projectile: x1
Second Upgrade Costs 7500
Bonus - Projectile: x1
* Does not attack buildings

I believe this item is unbalanced. Since a deflective armor(upgraded)(2.4k) can reduce by 600/1125 the dmg of a 15k weapon. It also doesn't attack on buildings which in many cases its a positive thing(hmmm).
I would like to see that item if its cooldown is increased a bit.
Lets say cooldown: 0.3
Dmg: 165 (x2)
all the other parameters are the same.
So now the deflective armor reduce the dmg by 180ish/1125.

3) Disagree with all and any kind of a long range weapon for late game.

Finally in my opinion all the other items are balanced enough. Again gj mate.
Well, i agree that there is a lack of weapons within 10k and 30k gold range. I doubt we will implement an end game LR weapon.

But i like ur effort suggesting some weapons even with icons and animation screenshots, i could think of some of them will be usedBig Grin
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Hey thanks guys XD

Blush EEEEEK noticed a maths error, corrected it now:

Gatling Gun
Costs: 23000
Damage: 555
Cooldown: 0.2
Range: 550
Damage Per Second: 2772
Upgrade Costs: 11500
Bonus - Cooldown: 0.1
Bonus - Damage: 277


Well the main problem with no late game lr weapon (besides the fact that it is "racist" to lr bobs hehe Big Grin ) is that it just means more boring mass supercells being used instead (since supercell is the longest range late game weapon available). It would be nice if the lr bob has a few more options then just 1 weapon. Maybe we can weaken the lr weapon suggestions to 20k or even 18k? (not much lower though or it will make acid cannon redundant).

The comment about system converter (or conversion systems, whichever sounds better) being overpowered is interesting, I thought people would say it is underpowered. Since the system converters cost almost as much as a power pack, yet are nowhere near as good as a power pack (especially the offensive one).... The System converters idea are definately open to debate, criticism and/or suggestion

Hmm.. What are your thoughts guys?
Conversion System (Offensive)
- Blueprint Costs $1000
- Requires Mass Converter, Deflection Armor Upgrade
+3% HP gained per kill -------> This is ultra OP if you mean a creep kill can give you 3% HP, so 3 creeps can give you 9% of your hp
+3% MP gained per kill -------> Same us above
Blocks 60 damage with no cooldown
System Meltown (passive): shoots a 75 pure damage bolt of energy per weapon upgrade level towards any enemy tank casting a spell or using an item within 1500 range (includes teleporting, planting wards, power pack, summons, camoflage etc). The spell does not trigger against Soul tank's ghost restore spell.

Conversion System (Defensive)
- Blueprint Costs $1000
- Requires Mass Converter, Burst Armor Upgrade
+ 1.5% HP gained per second ---------> This is OP
+ 4 MP gained per second---------> This is OP
+ 0.2% Spell resistance per Armor Upgrade level (starting at 5%)
Blocks any damage within 0.2 seconds with a 5 second cooldown
Hmmm... Well I will let others have their say to see if they agree or disagree with you. Though I will outline some info
(2012-06-26, 20:01:04)unpredictable_m Wrote: Conversion System (Offensive)
+3% HP gained per kill -------> This is ultra OP if you mean a creep kill can give you 3% HP, so 3 creeps can give you 9% of your hp
+3% MP gained per kill -------> Same us above
Currently, mass converter is set at +2%HP and +2%MP per kill which is considered quite underpowered and hence will be upgraded and/or changed.

Would +1% extra really transform the item from rather underpowered item to "ultra" overpowered? (keeping in mind the item costs over 9k total so it deserves some power)
(2012-06-26, 20:01:04)unpredictable_m Wrote: Conversion System (Defensive)
+ 1.5% HP gained per second ---------> This is OP
+ 4 MP gained per second---------> This is OP
The MP regen can actually be WEAKER than the less expensive, underpowered mass converter (depending on your play style). I see your point though I suppose it could be reduced to +3MP per second.

The HP regen for any tank under 10K hp will also be weaker than the considerably less expensive repair bots. Super late game on a +30k Hp tank the HP regen could prove quite powerful... though for the waste of a valuable late game item slot and for being less reliable than a similarly priced power pack no one would bother using the item if it is less than 1.5%. The HP regen can be reduced to something like 1%, but the item will need an additional bonus to compensate or itl just be too weak to bother with both early and late game.

Or perhaps increasing the cost of the blueprint by 1k, thus making it MORE expensive (and somewhat less useful) than a power pack. Doesn't seem like a good deal though..
By saying kill, you include creep kills? If yes then is ultra OP, if no is underpowered. That's my pointSmile
I've been recently thinking about what weapons should be added. So, to get an overview, I used the almighty Excel to generate a diagram, which shows what kind of weapons we already have (weapon ranges in comparison to the gold costs). I thought you guys might find that interesting:
[Image: weapon%20ranges.png]
(so blue and red are the cheap weapons and green and purple are the expensive ones)
Take note that the basic version and upgrade of each weapon are counted separately.

I guess I won't add weapons with exactly the stats you suggested here Teo, but what I appreciate the most, is the fact you actually cared to create themes for each weapon, in form of a name, icon and effect. Do you think, you'd be able to find the ressources again, that are not wihin the normal editor? This would be quite a nice help.
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In general some new weapons would be great thing.
I have some thoughts about this since the new defelective armor apeared and pioson is reworked.
Deflection is imba strong vs rapid fire weapons (especially poison - 40% dmg reduction, btw: would be nice if up poison buffs dmg by 25%, not additional projectile).
There arn't many "anti deflective" weapons. From lower than 900 range weapons there's only ice canon (wich beacomes weak mid-late game), light fantastic (best choice), than blaster and darkness. I think the price gap between light fantastic and blaster is too big. Also between blaster and swarm of chaos (darkness is other range group). Some new big dmg per projectile weapons for about 8-9k, and for aobut 18-20k would be great. Deflective is rly imba strong vs big group of weapons. I had earth + gold hull with maxed def skills. i tped on enemy cp, to give mates time to take other cp. Opponents were infs and forts - all with lasers and poisons. It was rly ridiculus feeling to watch them (4 of them) killing me for so long. I didn't count the seconds, but it was relativly rly much too long concidering the amounts of gold spent on weapons on one site and the gold spent on gh + deflective on other site.
If u;re willing to add some "ati deaflective" weapons i can try to design some (including graphic effects).
Infernal rocks are also quite anti-deflective.
but big range. i'm talking about mid/low range weapons. (by mid i understand <900)
I'd like to see some of weapons remade that no1 buys (or maybe once in 1000 games), namely:
- Soul Stone: make it cheaper? (missing a 2400-2600 gold weapon at that range)
- Frost Magic: -
- Death Magic: I liked the very first one with around 500 dps,
- Psycho Magic (bought it for fun with 100/10 stats in 5k hb games).

- a bigger difference between Fear Magic and Mystic Cannon (almost same gold and dps)
- break the Supercell monopol (increase upgrade cost for Swarm 9000 => 10000 and for Frost Laser 12000 => 150000).

The diagram also proved my feeling that there are not enough options for mass basic magics and longrangers to keep their ranges. Cool
(2012-08-19, 23:32:37)progg Wrote: Deflective is rly imba strong vs big group of weapons. I had earth + gold hull with maxed def skills. i tped on enemy cp, to give mates time to take other cp. Opponents were infs and forts - all with lasers and poisons. It was rly ridiculus feeling to watch them (4 of them) killing me for so long. I didn't count the seconds, but it was relativly rly much too long concidering the amounts of gold spent on weapons on one site and the gold spent on gh + deflective on other site.

You might want to contribute to the discussion here

Zero cooldown is just a no-go for a game like Battle Tanks because it does not scale. Think of what happens if you just increase its cooldown by 0.00000000000001 sec. Totally other item then.
0.00000000000001 maybe not, but 0.05s would be better probably.
Sure 0.0000000000001 would be enough. That's what I want to say. Imagine 4 poison magics so you hit 16 projectiles at the same time! If there would be just a slight cooldown, only one of these 16 projectiles will be affected but with 0 cooldown, everyone is which is imba.
(2012-08-20, 00:38:38)progg Wrote: but big range. i'm talking about mid/low range weapons. (by mid i understand <900)

You should check the infernal rocks range again.

@Raptor: Death magic was remade and is a pretty good siege tool now, in my opinion. I think the new death magic is just underexplored.
Oh, i forgot it's 750 before up. Still my personal feeling is that so low speed weapons arn't that effective in general. For me light fanstastic has max accteptable cooldown. But these are only my feelings.
You wanted anti-deflective. It cannot get more anti-deflective than low speed weapons ~~

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