Tank Icon: Demon Tank
Tank Picture: Demon Tank
Skill: Lava-Shot
Skill: Banish
Skill: Lava-Servants
Skill: Hell Fire
Skill: Tank-Cannon
cost hp type speed armor requirements
10000 10000 Ground 305 0 0 (8)

The Demon Tank can also be called a ground anti-air tank, since he got a skill that only works against air units (‘Banish’). This tank is perfect to initiate team attacks with his ‘Lava-Shot’/stun, which has a range of 1,500 and a nice stun duration. Combined with his passive skill ‘Demon Fire’ (which slows targets that got hit by any ability of the Demon Tank), it is hard for the targeted opponent to escape fights. This is especially true for air tanks, which also can be banished. It is comfortable playing this tank with the ‘Teleporter’, since his ultimate is short ranged.

Lava-Shot [ Q ]

Active – Unit Target (Enemy)
Fires a lava ball at a target, stunning it for 2.5 seconds.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 10 40 sec. 1500 - Deals 350 damage
2 20 40 sec. 1500 - Deals 700 damage
3 30 40 sec. 1500 - Deals 1050 damage
4 40 40 sec. 1500 - Deals 1400 damage
5 50 40 sec. 1500 - Deals 1750 damage


  • none

Banish [ W ]

Active – Unit Target (Enemy, Air)
Banishes an enemy tank. so that he moves 50 % slower and takes 25 % more damage.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 10 30 sec. 900 - Banishes the target for 2s
2 20 30 sec. 900 - Banishes the target for 3s
3 30 30 sec. 900 - Banishes the target for 4s
4 40 30 sec. 900 - Banishes the target for 5s
5 50 30 sec. 900 - Banishes the target for 6s


  • Damage from any source gets amplified

Demon Fire [ E ]

A tank that gets hit by any Demon Tank ability, gets damaged and slowed for 4 seconds.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - - - - Deals a total of 80 damage and slows by 7%
2 - - - - Deals a total of 160 damage and slows by 14%
3 - - - - Deals a total of 240 damage and slows by 21%
4 - - - - Deals a total of 320 damage and slows by 28%
5 - - - - Deals a total of 400 damage and slows by 35%


  • none

Hell Implosion [ R ]

Active – Instant (Enemy)
Draws enemy units towards you and after 0.5s calls upon the fires of hell causing damage to units within range.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 40 30 sec. - 600*/750** Deals 1400 damage
2 50 30 sec. - 600*/750** Deals 1750 damage
3 60 30 sec. - 600*/750** Deals 2100 damage
4 70 30 sec. - 600*/750** Deals 2450 damage
5 80 30 sec. - 600*/750** Deals 2800 damage


  • * area in which the damage is dealt
  • ** area in which enemy units will be drawn towards you
  • Enemy units will be drawn over 350 units towards the Demon Tank
  • Deals full damage within the inner half of the damage area, after that the damage goes gradually down to 25% at the outer edge

Skill: Tank Cannon Tank Cannon [ T ]

Passive – Unit Target (Enemy)
Primary tank weapon.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 60 damage to a random target
2 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 120 damage to a random target
3 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 180 damage to a random target
4 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 240 damage to a random target
5 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 300 damage to a random target


  • Like any other weapon in the game, this skill is based on phoenix fire
  • If it would be sold as a regular weapon, it would be worth 4050 gold on level 5