Tank Icon: Exploder
Tank Picture: Exploder
Skill: Teleport
Skill: EMP Shock
Skill: Reconstruction
Skill: Camouflage
Skill: Explosives
cost hp type speed armor requirements
400 200 Ground 250 0 0


Teleport [ Q ]

Active – Area Target
Teleports the Tank.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 10 40 sec. 1000 - -
2 20 40 sec. 1625 - -
3 30 40 sec. 2250 - -
4 40 40 sec. 2875 - -
5 50 40 sec. 3500 - -


  • none

EMP Shock [ W ]

Active – Unit Target (Enemy)
Creates an EMP Shock. stunning nearby enemies. The Shock sets the Exploder’s Hit Points to 1.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 10 30 sec. ??? - 1.0 sec.
2 20 30 sec. ??? - 1.5 sec.
3 30 30 sec. ??? - 2.0 sec.
4 40 30 sec. 400 - 2.5 sec.
5 50 30 sec. 450 - 3.0 sec.


  • none

Reconstruction [ E ]

Passive – Unit Target (Self)
Reconstructs the Exploder 3 seconds after death with 300 Hit Points and 20 % of his max Mana. After death he needs 10 seconds to be able to use this ability again.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - - - - 7 %
2 - - - - 14 %
3 - - - - 21 %
4 - - - - 28 %
5 - - - - 35 %


  • none

Camouflage [ T ]

Active – Unit Target (Self)
Makes the Exploder invisible and 10% faster.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 40 40 sec. - - 2.8 sec.
2 50 40 sec. - - 3.5 sec.
3 60 40 sec. - - 4.2 sec.
4 70 40 sec. - - 4.9 sec.
5 80 40 sec. - - 5.6 sec.


  • none

Explosives [ R ]

Passive – Area Target (Enemy, Building)
Detonates after death, causing high damage to units within a range of 300 and half the damage to units within a range of 600. Buildings only take 25% of the damage.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - - - - 300
2 - - - - 600
3 - - - - 900
4 - - - - 1200
5 - - - - 1500


  • none