- New tank: Hunter
- New blue print: Strength Pack
- Removed the GiveUp-dialog and added a chat-command instead
- Improved the kick-command a little bit
- Reduced cooldown and mana cost of Jet Wave (Demolisher) and sligthly increased the area
- Banish (Demon Tank) is now stronger and against air only
- When using Thunder Hammer (Goblin Tank) the Goblin now also accelerates
- Increased the hitpoints of the Goblin Tank by 500
- Adjusted Soul Transfer (Ghost Tank), it now also has a slow
- Replaced the Hunter-creep (Troop Command Center) with a new one
- Runes created with Rune Carving (Scout) are now already manipulated
- New Rune Carving icon
- Reduced the requirements for blue prints
- Frost Robot no longer has requirements in the standard settings
- Detector now lasts longer (3 min -> 5 min)
- Factory at Trade Master is now more expensive
- Added and improved some tips
- Added a hotkey for ‘Random Tank’
- Slightly improved pathfinding for building Factories in your base
- AI isn’t able to spot invisible units anymore
- You can now leave a league game in the first 3 minutes without voting by entering -abortleague
- Fixed a lot of potential stuck places by using teleport breaker
- Fixed the magic reduction of Goblin Turbo (Goblin tanks)
- Fixed a graphical bug of Dust Wave (Earth Robot) when he died before finishing the ability
- Fixed some potential critical bugs by entering a league game before the mode has been choosen
- Fixed the AfkAI from not working anymore after it died
- Fixed a bug which caused the AI to get more skill points in the rush modes
- Fixed Burning Oil (Demolisher) from sometimes not working
- Fixed some minor bugs