• A Control Point Teleport is visible for enemies (short glowing of the CP) now
  • Replaced each teams Laser Towers at the Headquarters with an advanced version of it (Protective Tower)
  • Added the new hcl game mode Conquer Rush with the hcl “cr” for hostbots (10k, High Tech, Conquest Victory)
  • Added the option to start with 10k gold
  • Added the “Fog” option
  • A player cannot place bombs in the own base area anymore
  • The conditions for a successful -kick are remade (“yes” means [+4], “no” means [-4], no vote means [-1]. If the addition of all the values returns positive, the player is kicked)
  • A reason is addable for the -kick command and you can also use colours to refer to a player (example: “-kick red flaming”)
  • The conquer bar appearing whenever a player conquers a Control Point is filling up smoother now
  • Remade the general camera movement, added the command “-sc” to turn on/off smooth camera movement
  • Earthquake (Earth Robot) now also hits netted (previously flying) units
  • Added a minor optical change to Chain Lightning (Thunder Tank)
  • Improved the visual appearance of Ice Rain (Frost Robot)
  • Improved the visual appearance of Thunder Storm (Thunder Tank)
  • Fixed a minor issue concerning the gametimer when the match is over
  • Fixed a minor issue concerning Control point conquer when the match is over
  • Changed the general armour icon
  • Reworked some spots of the terrain concerning disabled pathing
  • Fixed some smaller and general bugs concerning modes, tanks and respawns
  • Changed the background music
  • Updated the League Beta script