- New Changes
- Remade Hell Fire (Demon Tank), it now draws units to the tank before dealing damage
- Added a hero glow to the Storm Tank model
- Reduced the speed bonus of Jet Propulsion (Air Ship) from 30/lvl to 22/lvl
- Healing Drones (Air Ship) now have a stackable 3% slow that lasts 2s
- Increased the area of Storm Shock (Storm Tank) from 300 to 400
- Energy Leash (Storm Tank) now only draws 250 units per second (down from 300) and costs more mana
- The tank buy message now shows, if the tank has been randomed
- The passive heal of the Mass Converter is now an active ability
- Reduced the magic resistance of Mass Converter and Negator Pack from 20% to 16%
- Reduced the countdown of the Explosives from 4 to 3s again
- Tanks that use Explosives now turn gradually red during the countdown
- The Explosive countdown may now be stopped by stunning the charging tank
- Fixed Defuser dealing damage to yourself when disarming an Explosive
- Beta Related Changes
- Increased the base HP of the Black Sun from 10,000 to 15,000
- Increased the speed of the Black Sun from 60 to 75
- Increased the range of the Black Sun from 950 to 1050
- The Black Sun is now directly controllable through its owner
- When the Black Sun Project gets destroyed, the Black Sun gets released with partial HP
- Reduced the damage of Heat-Seeking Missiles (Distributor) from 120/lvl to 100/lvl
- Instead of only one instance, Reactive Armor (Distributor) may now block more on higher levels
- Increased the cooldown of Reactive Armor and set the casting range to a fixed value (1050)
- Fixed summoned troop sometimes not releasing used food
- Fixed some bugs related to buying a Light Tank
Hello, me and my friends are playing btanks a lot and it has a great potencial to be good competetive map. I hope you will have energy to keep up with that good work. 🙂
Question: Do we need newest war3 to play 8.79? We are playing at 1.24 and we can only play 8.78
Abyss, Czech republic
Hey, thanks, I hope you will still have a lot of fun with this map 🙂
Generally, I always recommend playing with the latest Wc3 patch. But apart from that, I’m not aware of any changes that require you to update your game. The beta is still restricted to our host bots and single player games. Once it has been fully released you can host it on your own and play multiplayer games.
Our beta versions can only be played as single player or at our beta bot on battle.net.
We test our newest map only against the current wc3 build, which is 1.26a. Blizzard removed their CD requirement long ago, so i dont see no reason why not updating to the current version of wc3
Patch downloads are well hidden at http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/war3x/patches/pc/War3TFT_126a_English.exe (browse their ftp server if you require another language or the patch for mac)