Battle Tanks 9.09 (3.8 MiB, 1271 downloads)

=========== General ===========

  • Fixed issues with AI gold income
  • Fixed CP heal issues: Properly reduce the Control-Point heal aura when enemies are nearby.
  • Disabled the -kick command if the league mode was selected.

============ Items ============

  • Negator Pack: Item having no effect is fixed
  • Explosive: Item having no effect is fixed

============ Tanks ============

  • Earth Robot
    • Earthquake (R): Reworked the animation and effect to prevent huge fps drops.
  • Demon Tank
    • Hell Implosion (R): Fixed tooltip (missing cooldown, wrong damage values)
  • Frost Robot
    • Ice Rain (R): The ability is no longer channeling and can not be interrupted by stuns.
  • Sky Fortress
    • Fixed model issues (missing texture)
    • Turbo Boost (Q):
      • Improved graphic effect
      • Ability having no effect is fixed
      • Fixed bug when using Q and Negator Pack at the same time
    • System Overload (R): Reworked the ability – The ability is no longer channeling and the target will be pulled behind the Sky Fortress
  • Infernal
    • Infernal Fire Rain (R):
      • Ability having no effect is fixed
      • Rework: The ability is no longer cancelled by stuns, but instead the ability deals no damage while the Infernal is stunned.
  • Titan
    • Reduced move speed from 275 to 270
    • Mark of the Titan (R): Changed interval from 0.66/6.66 to 0.5/5.0 and reduced damage from 320/400/480/560/640 to 310/380/450/520/590
    • Lightning Obelisk (Q): Reworked the ability – The Obelisk will stun and damage enemies that teleport into the range of the Obelisk (Teleporter and Control Point Teleport)