Battle Tanks 9.11 (4.6 MiB, 4092 downloads)

============= Common ============


  • Removed healing on tanks (but it still regenerates mana)

Vehicle Factory

  • Added healing on tanks

Strategic Location

  • Readjusted the Strategic Location on Botlane Dark Force side

============= Items =============

Ghosts of Doom

  • Reworked weapon
  • Adapted range from 777 to 666
  • Adapted damage from 267 to 707
  • Adapted cooldown from 0.44 seconds to 1.0 seconds
  • Adapted upgrade from +75 bonus damage to +200 bonus damage

Orbital Control

  • Reduced damage per strike from 500 to 450

Power Pack

  • Reduced bonus armor from 3 to 2


  • Increased price from 2500 to 3500

============= Tanks =============

Light Tank

  • Repair (E)
  • Reduced mana cost from 10/20/30/40/50 to 8/16/24/32/40


  • S.I.C (R)
  • Reduced area from 500/600/700/800/900 to 500/550/600/650/700


  • Static Charge (Q)
  • Reduced damage from 175/350/525/700/875 to 145/290/435/580/725
  • Reduced area from 125/250/375/500/625 to 110/220/330/440/550
  • Shape Memory Alloy (W)
  • Reduced healing from 18%/26%/34%/42%/50% to 14%/21%/28%/35%/42%

Thunder Tank

  • Fixed a bug where its tooltip displayed an incorrect speed
  • Electro-Aura (E)
  • Readjusted its damage on level 5 from 215 to 225

Storm Tank

  • Energy Leash (W)
  • Increased duration from 0.75/1.50/2.25/3.00/3.75 seconds to 1.00/1.75/2.50/3.25/4.00 seconds

Darkness Tank

  • Orb of Darkness (Q)
  • Fixed a bug where its tooltip displayed an incorrect cooldown

Sky Tank

  • Flame Strike (Q)
  • Reduced cooldown from 40 seconds to 35 seconds
  • Increased area from 250 to 300
  • Lightning Quake (W)
  • Increased cooldown from 30 seconds to 40 seconds
  • Reduced damage from 400/800/1200/1600/2000 to 350/700/1050/1400/1750

Goblin Brawler

  • Explosive Brew (Q)
  • Increased speed from 1300 to 1550
  • Increased range from 1400 to 1500
  • Increased damage from 500/750/1000/1250/1500 to 600/900/1200/1500/1800
  • Fixed a bug where its tooltip displayed an incorrect cooldown
  • Plasma Shield (E)
  • Increased shield from 600/850/1100/1350/1600 to 800/1050/1300/1550/1800

Demon Tank

  • Lava Shot (Q)
  • Increased base damage by 150 for each level
    • (from 450-925/650-1250/850-1575/1050-1900/1250-2225 to 600-1075/800-1400/1000-1725/1200-2050/1400-2375)
  • Banish (W)
  • Increased duration from 2/3/4/5/6 seconds to 3.00/3.75/4.50/5.25/6.00 seconds
  • Reduced mana cost from 8/16/24/32/40 to 6/12/18/24/30

Sky Fortress

  • System Overload (R)
  • Reduced duration from 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 seconds to 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5 seconds

Frozen Tempest

  • Quantum Leap (W)
  • Gains a charge for every 2 casts instead of 1 cast
  • Cooling Shell (E)
  • Readjusted bonus armor from 1/2/3/4/5 to
    • 2 on air allies for each level
    • 3/4/5/6/7 on ground allies
  • Cryosphere (R)
  • Reduced damage from 800/1000/1200/1400/1600 to 600/800/1000/1200/1400
  • Reduced disable duration from 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5 seconds to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds


  • Fixed a bug where the tank had a Teleport spell


  • Power Armor (E)
  • Increased cooldown from 15 to 20 seconds