• New tank: Architect (buyable at the Trade Market)
  • Goblin Shredder has been remade
  • Added a new Tower Ruin building: Teleport Beacon
  • New assist system (called support points)
  • Kill messages now include the info about who assisted
  • Items are now retrievable from force towers, by right clicking and moving to them
  • The kick requirements have been reworked again, deaths in a fast succession are now punished more
  • The gold of sold items is now also added to the leaver gold
  • Improved the pathability check for Control Point Teleport, Shredder Ultimate and AntiGrav Jump, to prevent the tank from getting stuck
  • Increased Tinker base hitpoints to 250
  • Decreased the base cooldown of the Tinker tower (100s -> 60s)
  • Decreased the damage and hitpoints of the Tinker Tower by ca. a third
  • Removed unit collision from the Tinker Towers and added a little minimal distance between towers
  • The max bonusses for the Damage and Hitpoint Tower Modules have been increased
  • Frost Prison (Frost Robot) no longer hits it’s target instantly, it now has a projectile
  • Increased the movement speed of the Demon Tank (290 -> 305)
  • Increased the duration (7s) and reduced the cooldown (25s) of the Smoke screen
  • Smoke screen invisibility will now be removed, when you take damage
  • Radar now only grants true sight in 450 range, but increases to 1250, when you are standing still for 2 seconds
  • Each team can now own up to two Troop Control Centers at the same time
  • The Bomb of the Troop Command Center no longer requires your team to own each Control Point
  • Maintenance now heals faster (10s -> 7s)
  • Recharge now heals faster (10s -> 5s)
  • Barricades and Rocket Tower now only stay for 3 minutes, but they are also cheaper now
  • Barricades, Rocket and Laser Tower now need some time until they can be build on the same Tower Ruin again
  • The team now receives a message and minimap ping, when someone builds a Teleport Beacon or a Factory
  • Fixed a bug, that wouldn’t let you sell items at the Trade Market
  • Fixed mana regeneration after respawn
  • Fixed Tinker Tower from being able to pick up healing runes
  • Fixed AI and some skill buffs from not working together at all (Banish, Keep on Fighting, Granitic Defense)
  • Fixed some skills from affecting the APM more than they should (Jump, Turbo Boost, etc)
  • Fixed the AI from not healing at the HQ
  • Fixed some Battery related bugs (including -playerswap)
  • Fixed the Bomb from not being placeable, even when an enemy factory was in your base
  • Fixed the TCC bomb from being placeable in your own base
  • Fixed some minor bugs